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Английский словарь американских идиом - store


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  ~1 n 1 »LARGE SHOP« a large place that sells many different kinds of goods  (At Christmas the stores stay open late.)  (- see also chain store, department store, general store) 2 »SHOP« AmE a place where goods are sold to the public; shop1 (1)  (There are about different stores in the Fallbrook Mall. | a shoe/clothing/grocery etc store (=one that sells one type of goods))  (She worked in a book store during college. | go to the store)  (I need to go to the store for some milk.) 3 »SUPPLY« a supply of something that you keep to use later + of  (Granny always had a special store of chocolate for us.) 4 »PLACE TO KEEP THINGS« a large building in which goods are stored so they can be used or sold later warehouse  (a grain store) 5 be in store if something unexpected such as a surprise or problem is in store for someone, it is about to happen to them  (He's got a few surprises in store if he thinks he can order us around.) 6 stores plural a) supplies of food and equipment that are used by an army, navy etc b) the building or room in an army camp, ship etc where these are kept 7 set great store by sth to consider something to be very important  (Anne sets great store by that training course.) ~2 v 1 also store away to put things away and keep them until you need them  (Squirrels are storing up nuts for the winter.) 2 to keep facts or information in your brain or a computer  (A mass of data is stored in the computer.) 3 store up trouble/problems etc to behave in a way that will cause trouble for you later  (Sarah is storing up problems for herself by lying to him.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (stores, storing, stored) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A store is a building or part of a building where things are sold. In British English, store is used mainly to refer to a large shop selling a variety of goods, but in American English a store can be any size of shop. ...grocery stores. ...a record store. N-COUNT 2. When you store things, you put them in a container or other place and leave them there until they are needed. Store the cookies in an airtight tin... Some types of garden furniture must be stored inside in the winter. = keep VERB: V n prep/adv, V n prep/adv • Store away means the same as store. He simply stored the tapes away... He’s stored away nearly one ton of potatoes. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron) 3. When you store information, you keep it in your memory, in a file, or in a computer. Where in the brain do we store information about colours? ...chips for storing data in electronic equipment. VERB: V n, V n 4. A store of things is a supply of them that you keep somewhere until you need them. I handed over my secret store of chocolate biscuits... N-COUNT: usu N of n 5. A store is a place where things are kept while they are not being used. ...a decision taken in 1982 to build a store for spent fuel from submarines. ...a grain store. N-COUNT: usu with supp 6. If you have a store of knowledge, jokes, or stories, you have a large amount of them ready to be used. He possessed a vast store of knowledge... N-COUNT: usu N of n 7. see also chain store, cold store, department store 8. If something is in store for you, it is going to happen at some time in the future. There were also surprises in store for me... Who knows what lies in store for the President? PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR, usu PHR for n 9. If you set great store by something, you think that it is extremely important or necessary. (FORMAL) ...a retail group which sets great store by traditional values. PHRASE: V inflects,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. transitive verb  (~d; storing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French e~r to establish, re~, supply, from Latin instaurare to resume, re~  Date: 13th century  1. lay away, accumulate ~ vegetables for winter use an organism that absorbs and ~s DDT  2. furnish, supply; especially to stock against a future time ~ a ship with provisions  3. to place or leave in a location (as a warehouse, library, or computer memory) for preservation or later use or disposal  4. to provide storage room for ; hold elevators for storing surplus wheat  • storable adjective  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1.  a. something that is ~d or kept for future use  b. plural articles (as of food) accumulated for some specific object and drawn upon as needed ; stock, supplies  c. something that is accumulated  d. a source from which things may be drawn as needed ; a reserve fund  2. storage — usually used with in when placing eggs in ~ — Dublin Sunday Independent  3. value, importance set great ~ by a partner's opinion  4. a large quantity, supply, or number ; abundance  5.  a. ~house, warehouse  b. chiefly British memory 4  6. a business establishment where usually diversified goods are kept for retail sale a grocery ~ — compare shop  III. adjective  Date: 1574  1. (or ~s) of, relating to, kept in, or used for a ~  2. purchased from a ~ as opposed to being natural or homemade ; manufactured, ready-made ~ clothes ~ bread ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a quantity of something kept available for use (a store of wine; a store of wit). 2 (in pl.) a articles for a particular purpose accumulated for use (naval stores). b a supply of these or the place where they are kept. 3 a = department store. b esp. US any retail outlet or shop. c (often in pl.) a shop selling basic necessities (general stores). 4 a warehouse for the temporary keeping of furniture etc. 5 a device in a computer for storing retrievable data; a memory. --v.tr. 1 put (furniture etc.) in store. 2 (often foll. by up, away) accumulate (stores, energy, electricity, etc.) for future use. 3 stock or provide with something useful (a mind stored with facts). 4 (of a receptacle) have storage capacity for. 5 enter or retain (data) for retrieval. Phrases and idioms in store 1 kept in readiness. 2 coming in the future. 3 (foll. by for) destined or intended. set (or lay or put) store by (or on) consider important or valuable. Derivatives storable adj. storer n. Etymology: ME f. obs. astore (n. & v.) f. OF estore, estorer f. L instaurare renew: cf. RESTORE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) запас запасать; накапливать 2) мн. ч. материально-производственные запасы; сырьё и материалы 3) хранилище; склад хранить; складировать 4) накопитель; машиностр. тж. магазин 5) запоминающее устройство, ЗУ; память 6) запоминать; хранить (информацию) 7) водные запасы; водные ресурсы 8) аккумулировать (сток) 9) мн. ч. складское хозяйство 10) универсальный магазин 11) англ. отборные деревья (оставляемые при рубках в порослевом насаждении с одним оборотом рубки) - billet rack store - bin store - buffer store - cold store - coordinate store - deep freeze store - dry store - energy store - field store - finished store - frame store - fuel store - freezer store - gravity store - gum naval stores - inflammable store - low-temperature cold store - micro store - palletized tool store - paternoster store - rack-type store - refrigerated store ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  складское здание или помещение амер.магазин cold store department store thermal store variety store ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) запоминание; запоминать 2) запоминающее устройство, ЗУ; накопитель – automatic store – back store – frame store – long-term store – register store – still store ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) аккумулитовать 2) забазировать 3) заготавливать 4) заготовить 5) заготовлять 6) запас 7) запасать 8) запасти 9) запоминать 10) запоминающее устройство 11) запоминающий 12) кладовая 13) лавка 14) лавочный 15) магазин 16) накапливать 17) припас 18) припасать 19) припасаю 20) припасти 21) припасу 22) производственный запас 23) рабочее запоминающее устройство 24) склад 25) складировать 26) хранить possess a store of enery — обладать запасом энергии reference information store — компьют. фонд справочно-информационный - boatswain store - cordage store - file store - flying-spot store - mobile store - paint store - self-service store - store cargo - store heat - store information - store moist - store up ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I сущ. 1) эк. запас, запасы, припасы, сбережения, имущество, резерв, резервы store of money - денежные сбережения, emergency store - неприкосновенный запас, marine stores - корабельное имущество, stores oncost - издержки хранения, in store - про запас, to keep in store - хранить, держать про запас, to lay up in store - откладывать про запас 2) торг., брит. склад, хранилище bulk feed store - склад для бестарного хранения кормов, public store - казенный склад, rough store - склад сырых материалов, vegetable store cellar - овощехранилище Syn: storage storehouse storeroom 3) торг. универмаг (магазин c несколькими отделами, торгующими различными видами товаров) mass merchandise store - универмаг массовых продаж, large-sized store - крупный универмаг, self-service store - магазин самообслуживания, универсам, store group - объединение универмагов Syn: department store 4) торг., амер. лавка, cпециализированный магазин country store - сельская лавка, apparel store - магазин готового платья… box food store - продовольственный магазин-склад*… camera store - магазин фототоваров… drug store - аптека video store - магазин видеотехники… Syn: shop See: retailing institution 5) торг., амер. пункт розничной торговли, розничный торговец (любой магазин или какая-либо др. торговая точка, занимающаяся розничной продажи) single-line store - розничный...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  запас to store up — накапливать, запасать, аккумулировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. запас, резерв store of food —- запас провизии store of energy —- имеющийся запас энергии store of money —- сбережения in store —- про запас; на будущее, в будущем to lay in stores (a store) of smth. (for the winter) —- запасать что-л., делать запасы чего-л. (на зиму) to have smth. in store —- иметь что-л. про запас (наготове) what is in store for me? —- что ждет меня впереди (в будущем)? to be (to have, to hold) in store for smb. —- предназначаться для кого-л.; готовить (сулить) кому-л. в будущем what the future holds in store for us —- что нам сулит будущее I have a surprise in store for him —- у меня для него приготовлен сюрприз I little thought of the calamity which was in store for us —- я и не подозревал о беде, которая нам грозила 2. изобилие, большое количество a store of impressions —- множество впечатлений stores of learning —- обширность знаний, эрудиция he exhausted his store of vile epithets —- он истощил свой (богатый) запас грязных ругательств 3. pl. запасы, припасы; имущество, материальные средства marine stores —- старое корабельное имущество war stores —- боеприпасы 4. склад, пакгауз 5. преим. ам. магазин clothing store —- магазин готового платья department store —- универмаг village store —- сельская лавка store clothes —- готовое платье store goods —- товары, продающиеся или купленные в магазине store prices —- магазинные цены to patronize a store —- быть...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) запас, резерв; in store - наготове, про запас; to lay in store for the winter - запасать на зиму; I have a surprise in store for you - у меня для вас приготовлен сюрприз  2) pl. запасы, припасы; имущество; marine stores - старое корабельное имущество  3) склад, пакгауз; to deposit ones furniture in a store - сдать мебель на хранение на склад  4) (преим. амер.) магазин, лавка  5) (the stores) pl. универмаг  6) большое количество; изобилие  7) attr. запасный, запасной; оставленный про запас; оставленный для использования впоследствии  8) attr. (преим. амер.) готовый, купленный в магазине; store clothes - готовое платье to set (great) store by - придавать (большое) значение; (высоко) ценить to set no store by - не придавать значения; не ценить  2. v.  1) снабжать; наполнять; his mind is well stored with knowledge - он очень много знает  2) запасать, откладывать (тж. store up/away); Now its time to store away your fur coats for the summer; the harvest has been stored - урожай убран  3) отдавать на хранение, хранить на складе  4) вмещать Syn: see conserve STORE cattle скот, предназначенный для откорма ...
Англо-русский словарь


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